Lately I’ve been really missing doing album art projects. Designing album art is by far my favorite type of project. Working with a musician/band and getting to listen to their music while you work. Getting to hear it before everyone else and letting it inspire you. It’s so fun and rewarding…not monetarily always. But rewarding because I have always loved helping musicians market what they do and album art is such a big part of that. It essentially brands the band for a time and gives a visual representation of who they are and what their music will sound like. Just thinking about it gets me excited! Here’s a few of my favorite past album projects…


3 Responses

  1. Ah, I daydream about the day I get to do someones album art.

    Karli these are all amazing! I love different things about them all…And the way you described your process makes the idea so much more magical.

    I can't wait to see what you come up with for Cathedral Pearls! ♥

  2. Love these, Karli! There is so much variety to your art, but I can tell you have a very sketch/handmade style. It's quite lovely.

    I feel the same way about doing book design, which I would love to do for a living. It's a very similar process I think. You end up building a very intimate relationship with the client that you don't necessarily get with other kinds of projects.

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