Atticus posted this quote yesterday…after a heavy snowfall…and I just loved it! I knew I had to use it for type tuesday this week. I had fun writing it out.



3 Responses

  1. I love, love, love this Karli! I love the “magic” angle and your use of chalk colors.. I would love to pick your brain apart as to how you came to choose the quote and the medium, in chalk. Not an easy thing to do. But you made it look effortless!! Digging it!.. Seriously?.. Really?.. Amazing!.. Kuddo’s Kiddo! Was wondering if you also used water on this piece to keep the vibrant tones of the chalk intact on the chalk board? I found out that using a wet rag on the board and, or, a glass of water to dip the chalk in, helps to make the chalk less able to be erased by a slight swipe of the hand.I found out that working in chalk takes so much patience.. You obviously have it.

    1. Hey Amy, I’m glad you like it but it’s just pen and paper, no chalk actually involved. I just reversed out the drawing digitally to give it that affect. Chalk is definitely a challenge and I’m pretty sure it would be a little more rough around the edges if I had done it with chalk.

      Thanks for saying hi!

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