For the past year at least I’ve been dreaming of starting a new blog. I like Rough Gems for posting doodles, process, and some of my design projects but often I feel like it’s not an appropriate place for other things that I really would like to reshare on the internet…specifically art, design and music related things happening around me that I’m really inspired by. But I’ve also found that when I do post something more community related, it gets a more enthusiastic response…so, all you Spokane followers, I’m picking up what you are putting down.
Recently, I’ve been very aware of a disconnect in Spokane between good design, music and art that’s being done by younger folks. We don’t have many reliable local blogs that feature things in a well framed way. As far as I know, there really isn’t a locally focused design/art blog at all and I think the community suffers a bit because of that. I think folks don’t have any idea the type of talent that lives in Eastern Washington and that the advertising and design fields are some of the most thriving industries in the area. In the past there has been some well-kept music blogs and I used to run a bi-monthly music zine with a friend that featured local music events and bands. But recently, there hasn’t been anything that’s very consistent.
For me, this lack of connection between good things kind of makes me lazy. I am less likely to check out new stuff, hear a new band or see cool art that someone is working on. Often times it takes a third party saying it’s awesome to sell me on it. So, I’m going to draft my own blog where I will be inspired to search these things out. Not only because I would like other people to see them, but because I want to be motivated and inspired by my community. I already am in a lot of ways, but I would like to continue and I think it could be a great way to encourage people who are courageously stepping out to make great art around me.
I’m going to call it… Collect. Not sure when the launch will happen, but I’m collecting (see what I did there?) content already and excited to share it all when the blog is ready. I’m excited, and I hope you are too!
sounds very goose!